Status from Velidhu
First Pileup has been worked successfully… But unfortunately nobody seems to accept the mode of working, so I had to change my mode. Well from now on I will try to listen for example 10 down in case of a Pileup.
Landed in DXB Dubai
Unfortunately Munich has no free Wlan, so now the first message from Dubai.
I/OE2WNL from 8-15 May 2010
So back from Italy. The weather wasn’t really what one would expect from beach, sea and holiday – but so their was more time to make QSO while waiting for the sun to come because most of the time the weather was rainy and cold.
So here just a short info that OE2WNL will go to Italy for one week (8.5. – 15.5.2010) – primarily not for Ham-Radio Operation – but I surley take my equipment with me. Probably you have contact with I/OE2WNL.
G5RV Antenna Testing
Today I urgently had to test the G5RV antenna with my FT-897 @ 100W output. I had to find out, if it is a good idea to take this antenna with me to 8Q Maldives in the End of May…
9A/OE2WNL in Kroatien von 6.7.2009 bis 11.7.2009
So, nachdem’s vor dem Urlaub immer stressig ist mit zusammenpacken, Checklisten abarbeiten 😉 gabs keine Ankündigung meiner 9A Aktivität, sondern hier nun den Abschlussbericht.