KX3 GoBox 2012
As I was contacted by a few HAMs where to get “my” box I would like to give you a little parts-overview. Unfortunately I`m not able to manufacture this box in a higher quantity so you will have to build it yourself. All the necessary stuff was purchased in european online-shops but for sure you will be able to find the same or equal parts in the U.S.
Watch some portable KX3 pics our
This box weighs 1,6 kg = 3,5 lbs – including the components listed below (except the charger) AND the KX3 with its ATU- and filter-option installed (no internal batteries) and a light weight (iphone) headset. My buddipole dipole antenna system weighs 2 kg = 4,4 lbs on top.
component | description | where to get | pic |
SIGG case | the box is made of aluminium very light weight many different colors available | SIGG online shop amazon | ![]() |
LiPo battery | 4.000 mAh LiPo battery 11,1 volt normally used for rc-helicopters supplies between 12,6 and 10,8V | stefansliposhop | ![]() |
battery monitor | LAM-5 lithium-battery-monitor little display to check battery voltage or %-load of the LiPo | elv electronics | ![]() |
clock | radio controlled DCF-77 clock | conrad electronic | ![]() |
LiPo charger | Robbe Power Peak A4 EQ charger; stored in the shack; for charging the LiPo via 12V or 230/110V | stefansliposhop | ![]() |
panel | self-designed 1mm stainless steel sheet – download: .dxf-zipped | .pdf Laser cutted and then fitted to the box with some little grinding. Visit http://www.draftsight.com for free CAD software! | available via sotabeams.co.uk laserteil24.com | ![]() |
3D fasteners | used to securely mount the panel search for “GB4xM3″ in the QRP-shop | qrp-project | ![]() |
BNC-SMA-BNC | adaptors to route the antenna connector through the side of the box | ebay | ![]() |
other stuff | switches, connectors of your choice; PowerPole connectors for charging the LiPo and powering the KX3 whilst in the shack. | your trusted supplier |
- Some velcro between the KX3 and the box can give additional support.
- I used a textile tape at the inner edges of the big cutout not to scratch the KX3 😉
- HB9TVK made his own box!
- UPDATE 02/2014: I´ve added a BNC connector between the status switch and the ACC1 for a 2m antenna. A PTT push button has been built in as well (using ACC2).
- DK6AH made his own box!
- AK5SD made his own box!
my primitive circuit diagram:

Have fun and build your own solution to go portable! Comments appreciated!
Nice rig there ol' chap, nice indeed.
Richard G3CWI
Hi Tom
I would be pleased to supply the front panels for your boxes cut from Perspex – with your permission.
73 Richard G3CWI
Pete AA8GK
Ausgezeichnet!!!! Die beste!
Nick - N9SJA
Very nice KX3 go box. This has to be one of the best custom made go-boxes I have ever seen!
Thanks also for the parts list and showing us how it was built.
73! de Nick N9SJA
Hallo Henning!
Leider habe ich keine aussagekräftigen Fotos vom Innenleben. Ich werde wohl erst im Winter mal wieder reinschauen, da es unter dem Blech recht eng zugeht…
Rechts hält das Gerät durch die Antennendurchführung, links liegen die Winkel-Klinkenstecker an der Box an, oben liegt der Akku und unten läuft die Verkabelung samt zusätzlichen KFZ-Sicherungen.
Der KX3 kann also nicht verrutschen und wird durch das Blech auch leicht runtergedrückt. An der Kante des großen Ausschnittes habe ich innen ein Textilband aufgeklebt (oder Isolierband), um das Gerät nicht zu verkratzen! An der Unterseite könnte man als zusätzliche Rutschsicherung einen Klettverschlussstreifen anbringen…
Ich hab bereits unzählige Gipfel damit bestiegen und bin sehr zufrieden mit dieser Lösung. Sogar beim Schifahren (Winteraktivierungen) verrutscht nichts.
Viel Spaß beim Basteln!
73 aus OE
Hi Tom!
Schönes Projekt,kannst Du mal eine Innenaufnahme zeigen?
Habe fast alles zusammen für den Nachbau.
73 de Henning DB9VZ
Kevin Gallagher
Hi guys, I was directed here by a link on eham.net. Very, very, good idea and well executed!!
73 de N1NGV CT, USA
Many thanks for speedy reply Tom. I purchased a Maxi box today so next step is to cut out the panel, only hope I can make it look any near as good as you did. Now I have the box to try the KX3 in I can see what you mean about space. I have a LiFe battery which fits in well although I will have to trim the connectors a bit.
Thanks again for sharing a great idea.
73, Phil
Hello Phil!
The KX3 is held by all the wires going around beneath the panel. There is not much space to slide around. I filled up a small gap at the battery with some foam material. This works fine for carrying it up the mountains in my backpack.
I`ll see if I can take a picture from the inside as there are a few requests for that already. You could use some velcro straps between the KX3 and the ground of the box as well.
73! Tom
Great idea and very tidy. What method did you use to fix the KX3. Is it fixed to the facia panel or the box, any chance of a pic of the underside of the panel?
73, Phil
Alexandre Grimberg
Perfect work, very well done homebrew project that looks like a factory model.
All the detais was perfect made.
If your kind permission, take a look on a KX3 system mounted on a banner nolder.
You will see during the Youtube video a QRP DX shooted by a small fideo camera that is part of the system.
I have other upgrades made on this system after this video.
Thank you very much for shearing such a clever project
Dear Roy,
unfortunately my software does not save to “DWF”. In any case you will need someone with a software that can edit “dxf” – at least to change the measurements of the cutouts to fit your desired switches and a clock AND to change the callsign at the bottom…
On http://www.draftsight.com you will find some freeware that is capable of editing dxf. Maybe one of your friendly HAMs can assist you with that?
Wish you best 55 for this handicraft work! Tom
I have a laser cutting shop here in Colorado that will cut the panel for me but he is asking for the DWF file. I have DWG viewer and can not save the DWF to my laptop. Can you e-mail me your DWF file?
73 de K0REW
Roy, I´m sorry for this bug. I`ve fixed it, now it should work!
73, Tom
I have tried the link to the .pdf of the panel, but it sends me to oe2wnl’site. Would you send me a copy of the panel .pdf please?
K0REW roy